The Gautam Budh Nagar district, which includes the Delhi suburbs of Noida and Greater Noida, as well as the housing clusters along the Yamuna Expressway, have allowed the registreation of flats in stalled projects. As a result, the revenue collection for the Gautam Budh Nagar stamp and registration department increased by approximately 18% in the fiscal year 2023–24 compared to the previous year.
District government representatives claim that the department brought in Rs 3,585 crore in income during the FY24. This fell short of the fiscal year’s goal of Rs 4,728 crore, though. The amount of income collected was Rs 3,018 crore a year earlier.
According to a stamp and registration department official, the decision to allow the registration of apartments across delayed development projects where such documentation has been pending for many years was directly responsible for the higher revenue collection in FY24.