With an investment of roughly Rs 750–Rs 800 crore, NCR-based real estate developer CRC Group would build a Grade-A IT/ITES integrated premium commercial complex named “The Flagship” along the Noida–Greater Noida Expressway. With this project, the corporation hopes to generate a top line of about Rs 1200 crore. In addition, the real estate company intends to create two projects of high-end residential properties, with an overall goal of earning Rs 2300 crore.

The project would cover 11 acres in Uttar Pradesh’s Noida sector 140A along the Noida-Greater Noida Expressway, according to Kunal Bhalla, the founder and CEO of CRC Group. It will have a total built-up area of about 24 lakh square feet.

The company plans to use 12 lakh square feet for office space, 4 lakh square feet for retail space, and 102 service apartments out of this 24 lakh square feet of development. Bhalla stated, “We’ll lease the retail space and sell the office space.” A high-street retail market area will also be a part of the project, and internal accruals will be used to finance the improvements. The project is expected to be finished in April 2027.”

At present, the CRC Group is working on projects that encompass 72 lakh square feet in total area. Additionally, the business and Jaypee are building a high-end, ultra-luxury home complex with a view of a golf course. This opulent project, which is located in sector 128 of Jaypee Wishtown, is expected to bring in over Rs 1500 crore.

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