According to people with knowledge of the situation, the Uttar Pradesh government has ordered the Noida Authority and Greater Noida Industrial Development Authority (GNIDA) to revoke the allocations of any industrial, institutional, and IT plots that have been left unoccupied for an extended period of time in their respective regions.

In order to determine the number of plots that were assigned to developers but have not yet been used, standing empty for an extended amount of time, the government has also directed the authorities to survey such land parcels under their authority.

According to a GNIDA spokesperson, Manoj Kumar Singh, the chairman of the Noida-Greater Noida Authority and the commissioner for industrial development in Uttar Pradesh, issued these directives following a meeting in which he examined the distribution of IT, industrial, and institutional plots in the Noida-Greater Noida regions.

“The chairman emphasized that the allotments of IT, industrial, and institutional plots held by allottees who have kept the plots vacant for an extended period, without completing the construction of buildings, should be canceled,” said the spokeswoman.

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